Пару дней назад читаю на Huffington Post об ужасной лжи, которую республиканцы распространяют про грядущий VAT, сиречь налог на добавленную стоимость. Мол, какой может быть VAT, когда сам Обама ясно и недвусмысленно высказался против?

Republicans are horrified that President Obama has a secret plan to pass this tax, and are shouting from the rooftops (of the nearest Fox News building) how strongly they’re going to oppose it. The facts that Obama himself has come out against the idea, and it seems to have virtually no support in Congress, have not gotten in the way of Republicans doing so, either.

Ну, думаю, всё, теперь точно без НДС не обойдется.

И действительно, недели не прошло:

Admission explains Obama’s recent attempts to alter his middle class tax pledge President Obama made it official today: He is open to the imposition of a Value-Added Tax (VAT) on the American people. A VAT would violate Obama’s central campaign promise – a “firm pledge” that no family making less than $250,000 per year would see “any form of tax increase”.

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