New York Post – взгляд в будущее


One can only ask how much higher our 16.2% unemployment rate – an obvious legacy of the Bush years – might be if President Obama had not restored America’s standing in the world and re-negotiated unfair trade treaties imposed on American workers by previous administrations.

As our president remarked just the other day in a re-election campaign speech in Dearborn, Michigan: “Wealth redistribution isn’t just an American issue – it’s a global issue. Better that Americans should be a little poorer, if that means our brothers in Egypt and Bolivia can become a little richer.”

OBAMA 2012: A TERM OF FI$CAL PAIN by Nicole Gelinas

This Tuesday, we’ll find out who wins the presidential election – Michigan Governor Hillary Rodham Clinton or Republican candidate Charlie Crist of Florida. An exhausted President Barack Obama will soon return home to Illinois. But he can do so in the knowledge that he tried his best, and leaves a solid foundation for the next president, even if most voters can’t see it yet.

It’s hard to imagine now, but when Obama first took office, the experts thought that the consumer-led recession that had deepened precipitously in the fourth quarter of 2008 would be short, with the economy starting to recover in the fall of 2009, at the latest.

OBAMA 2012: FOUR YEARS LATER by Jonah Goldberg

There are no shortage of recriminatory theories for President Obama’s precipitous fall from would-be messiah, to near pariah. Discussions with leaders within the Democratic Party, including prominent former members of the Obama administration, give a kaleidoscopic picture of missed opportunities, wrong turns and embarrassing blunders.

Интересно будет потом глянуть, насколько эта злобная безосновательная клевета оказалась on target, а насколько – off.

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