But of course

Today’s tsunami: This is what climate change looks like

“Scientists have known for some time that climate change affects not just the atmosphere and the oceans but also the Earth’s crust. These effects are not widely understood by the public”

Лед растаял, перестал давить на земную кору, поэтому и цунами, да. А публика НЕ ПОНИМАЕТ.

UPD: а если кто думает, что это отдельный такой идиот, вот еще подборка энтузиастов.

Centuries from now, assuming the human race survives that kind of thinking, historians may record here and there the tales of the quaint cult that tried to propitiate the forces of tectonic plates and the Pacific Ocean by turning off lightbulbs and trading indulgences in the form of “carbon credits.”

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