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President Obama to Give Major Economy Speech After Labor Day

Ура, мы спасены. Теперь точно все будет в порядке.

The president will continue to push ideas he’s been laying out for days and weeks: a payroll tax cut, an infrastructure bank, patent reform, the passage of three trade deals, tax credits to encourage the hiring of veterans.

The speech will also include ways to reduce the deficit and to pay for the new programs, officials said.

Ways to reduce the deficit, ага. И new programs, за которые тоже надо платить.

Текст на АВС сопровождается сокрушительным апдейтом:

A Republican official provides this list of headlines for some historical context, pivot-wise.

President-elect Barack Obama to deliver major speech on the economy on Thursday (change.gov, January 8, 2009)

President Barack Obama to Give Major Speech on the Economy at Georgetown University (Whitehouse.gov, April 13, 2009)

Obama to give major speech about economy on Monday (AFP, November 9, 2009)

Obama To Promote New Job Ideas During Tuesday Speech (AP, December 5, 2009)

Obama preparing new push to add jobs, tackle deficit (WaPo, December 8, 2009)

In key speech Obama pledges to create jobs (AP, January 27, 2010)

Obama to tout job-creating efforts in Ohio speech (AP, January 5, 2010)

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