Тайна, покрытая мраком – 2

В Вашингтоне продолжают искать человека, на которого можно было бы свалить вину за тот цирк, что администрация устроила вокруг Бенгази. CBS нашла очередную кандидатуру: они утверждают, что изменения в talking points были сделаны в ведомстве Главного Американского Шпиона Джеймса Клэппера.

CBS News has learned that the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) cut specific references to “al Qaeda” and “terrorism” from the unclassified talking points given to Ambassador Susan Rice on the Benghazi consulate attack – with the agreement of the CIA and FBI. The White House or State Department did not make those changes. …

However, an intelligence source tells CBS News correspondent Margaret Brennan the links to al Qaeda were deemed too “tenuous” to make public, because there was not strong confidence in the person providing the intelligence. CIA Director David Petraeus, however, told Congress he agreed to release the information — the reference to al Qaeda — in an early draft of the talking points, which were also distributed to select lawmakers.

“The intelligence community assessed from the very beginning that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack.” DNI spokesman Shawn Turner tells CBS News. That information was shared at a classified level — which Rice, as a member of President Obama’s cabinet, would have been privy to. …

The head of the DNI is James Clapper, an Obama appointee. He ultimately did review the points, before they were given to Ambassador Rice and members of the House intelligence committee on Sept. 14. They were compiled the day before.

Главное Шпионское Ведомство в ответ меланхолично сообщает, что правду они знали с самого начала, но ее было решено засекретить. И Райс, кстати, ее тоже наверняка знала.

А, да: если кому интересна судьба того Накулы, который снял пресловутое видео, то его, как Хиллари и обещала, посадили еще две недели назад. На год, за нарушение условий пароля – псевдонимами пользовался.

Mirrored from Gears and Springs.