Еще про гендерное угнетение

Статья про современную ситуацию на этом фронте: женщин с образованием теперь на треть больше, чем образованных мужчин, в семьях с разным уровнем образования у супругов перевес в полтора раза чаще на стороне жены, образованные дамы находят себе в мужья мужчин помоложе, имеют в семье решающий голос, а также спокойно мужьям изменяют, поскольку мужья зависят от них финансово.

Но борьба продолжается. Интересно, как будет выглядеть общество после полной победы феминизма, если, конечно, ее удастся когда-нибудь достичь; последним бастионом должно стать равноправие в деторождении, надо полагать, но это потребует серьезного развития биологической науки.

Between the ages of 25 and 40, for every 100 men with a college education there are now 132 college-educated women. That may sound like the marriage market for educated women has become even thinner, which it has for women who insist on finding a better-educated husband. But many women now are looking for other qualities.

For example, the gender imbalance has led many educated women to marry much younger men. These men are game because they prefer to have a wife who is older and more economically successful over a wife who is younger and less able to provide financial stability. The women, in turn, get a young, virile spouse.

The educational imbalance has also promoted marriages in which women hold a greater share of the household bargaining power. Among currently married couples with a difference in education levels, according to the Pew Research Center, the wife is much more likely to be better educated than the husband (that is, in 28% of marriages vs. 19% of marriages). So husbands have a greater incentive to share decision-making with their wives. Men who don’t are at a much greater risk of divorce: Their wives can support themselves if necessary, and the husbands will lose a good deal of their household income if the breadwinning wife leaves.

This educational divide between men and women is also one of the reasons why female infidelity has increased in recent decades. Researchers at Tilburg University in the Netherlands, led by Joris Lammers, looked at the behavior of more than 1,500 professionals and found that women who are higher up the corporate ladder are more likely to cheat (just as higher-status men are). And since men who are financially dependent have more to lose if they leave unfaithful wives, female infidelity is less likely to lead to divorce when the woman makes more.

Finally, at a time when women outrank men in education and income, it no longer makes economic sense for a woman to marry up in terms of education. The most economically productive marriages for professional women are ones in which husbands are freer to care for the needs of the family while the women focus on their lucrative careers.

Mirrored from Gears and Springs.