Spreading love

Параллельные места в ленте:

1. Feministing рассказывает, что CAIR (общество американо-исламской дружбы) запустило кампанию с жевательной резинкой Исламофобин, предназначенной для лечения исламофобии.

Suffering from blatant bigotry? Filled with irrational hatred? Seduced by Trump? The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) has the product for you: Islamophobin, the new anti-Islamophobia chewing gum.

CAIR recommends the product for people who:

• Fear and hate Muslims
• Are suspicious of people who don’t look like you, sound like you, dress like you, or believe as you
• Get abnormally nervous when you see a Muslim or someone who you think is Muslim
• Pray that a Muslim is not on your flight

На коробке надпись – Spreads Love.

2. 18 women sexually assaulted at German festival.

Police in the city of Darmstadt have arrested three men, all of whom are asylum-seekers from Pakistan, after the women reported that they had been inappropriately touched at Schlossgrabenfest in the early hours of Sunday morning.

Интересно, распространяется ли Исламофобин в Германии, и если да, то что думают по этому поводу тамошние феминистки. “Take two and call a Muslim in the morning”.

Mirrored from Gears and Springs.