Вот кто во всем виноват

NYT: Hillary’s Male Tormentors

Weiner or no Weiner, Hillary Clinton is likely to be our next president. But she can’t seem to escape insatiable men.

Time: How Men Behaving Badly Have Held Hillary Clinton Back

Her own husband. Donald Trump. Anthony Weiner. James Comey.

Vox: When did 2016 become all about men?

Although it’s the first time a woman is genuinely close to winning the White House, her campaign has been overshadowed by the most prevailing stereotypical transgressive male behaviors: alleged criminal acts inspired by their dicks.

The Nation:  Hillary Clinton Has One More Badly Behaved Man Left to Vanquish

 As in some ancient myth, Hillary Clinton, warrior princess, could only succeed in her quest for the kingdom by vanquishing Phallus, the many-headed god of male sexual craziness.

Сама-то Хиллари, понятно, не виновата ровно ни в чем. Это все проклятые мужики. “Он вам, барин, еще и в штаны нагадил”.

Mirrored from Gears and Springs.