Разворот стола одним ударом

Насколько я понимаю, ситуация поменялась на противоположную: вчера пресса наезжала на трамповскую команду, и те вроде как оправдывались, а сегодня приходится оправдываться прессе – за Обаму. Всего дел – пара твитов.

UPD: WaPo, скрежеща зубами от ненависти (прямо слышно, когда читаешь) пишет вот что:

It is easy to pooh-pooh Donald Trump’s predawn Saturday tweetstorm – accusing Barack Obama of the worst political crimes since Watergate while offering no evidence – as an undisciplined rant from someone who has long embraced conspiracy theories.

That neither gives the president enough credit nor reflects the gravity of his unfounded accusations.

It is past time to dispense with the fiction that Trump doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing. He is trying to distract us. And, at least this weekend, he succeeded.

То есть тут, конечно, присутствуют все стандартные заклинания вроде “while offering no evidence”, как и надежда на backfire, но эти хотя бы чувства реальности не теряют. Само собой, “trying to distract us” – далеко не полное понимание происходящего, но уже кое-что.

UPD: вчера в каком-то комментарии написал практически дословно то же самое:

Here’s the most interesting part: Now that they’ve been called on it, the media and Democrats are gradually retreating from the investigation they’ve been touting for months as the glue for their conspiracy theory. It’s actually quite amusing to watch: How dare you suggest President Obama would ever order surveillance! Who said anything about FISA orders? What evidence do you lunatic conservatives have — uh, other than what we media professionals been reporting — that there was any investigation of the Trump campaign?

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