Вакханалия продолжается

Источники в разведке и в других разных местах еще не все нам рассказали, и молчать не собираются.

Republican congressional investigators expect a potential “smoking gun” establishing that the Obama administration spied on the Trump transition team, and possibly the president-elect himself, will be produced to the House Intelligence Committee this week, a source told Fox News. <...> The intelligence is said to leave no doubt the Obama administration, in its closing days, was using the cover of legitimate surveillance on foreign targets to spy on President-elect Trump, according to sources.

Бомбшеллы так и сыплются, по две-три штуки в день, а сейчас еще и смокинг-ганы в дело пойдут.

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А вот интересная цифра насчет “сколько в стране иммигрантов”.

As recently as 1980, just seven percent of public school students were from immigrant households, compared to 23 percent today.

High-immigration states have seen even more dramatic increases: eight percent to 35 percent in Nevada, 11 percent to 34 percent in New Jersey, and 10 percent to 31 percent in Texas. Even in states that are not traditional immigrant destinations, such as Minnesota, Alaska, and Kansas, one in seven students are now from an immigrant household.

Там надо ввести поправку на то, что не все дети учатся в public schools, и на то, что иммигранты имеют тенденцию кучковаться в гетто, но все равно получается довольно-таки дофига. Немудрено, что эта тема стала играть такую роль, дальше еще интереснее будет, если передышки не дадут.

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Конец филибустера?

Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer said Thursday that Democrats will attempt to filibuster Judge Neil Gorsuch’s nomination, saying he would tilt the Supreme Court too far away from what Democrats want to see.

“After careful deliberation I have concluded that I cannot support Judge Neil Gorsuch’s nomination to the Supreme Court,” Mr. Schumer said, announcing his filibuster on the Senate floor.

Молодцы демократы, стоят насмерть and to hell with reason. Сейчас посмотрим, действительно ли республиканцы – stupid party, потому что не убрать под этим соусом филибустер будет совершенно непростительным идиотизмом.

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Hate Crimes

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli police say they have arrested a 19-year-old Israeli Jewish man as the primary suspect in a string of bomb threats targeting Jewish community centers in the U.S.

Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said Thursday the suspect’s motives are unclear.

Rosenfeld says the suspect is “the guy who was behind the JCC threats,” referring to Jewish community centers in the U.S. that have received dozens of anonymous threats in recent weeks.

Rosenfeld says the man, from the south of Israel, used advanced technologies to mask the origin of his calls and communications to synagogues, community buildings and public venues. He says the suspect also made threats in New Zealand and Australia.

He says the investigation was carried out with the help of the FBI and police from other countries.

Ну не еб твою дурака мать, а?

UPD: USA Today, Feb.28th: Trump reportedly suggests JCC threats are ‘to make people look bad’

President Trump reportedly told state attorneys general that bomb threats to Jewish community centers and other anti-Semitic attacks may be coming from the “reverse.” <...> The Democratic National Committee said in a statement that the president questioning the threats was “beyond the pale.”

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