Налоговый план Гингрича

Гингрич обиделся, что внимание опять переключилось на Перри, и напомнил, что у него тоже есть налоговый план с flat tax. Причем давно. Причем процент ниже, чем у Перри, не 20, а 15.

Gingrich has been floating an optional flat tax for a couple of years, although it hasn’t had much traction as the former Speaker hasn’t gained much in polling. Here’s a brief thumbnail comparison between the two plans:

• Flat tax rate — Optional in both plans; Perry’s rate is 20%, Gingrich 15%
• Exemptions — Perry: $12,500 per filer/dependent; Gingrich: $10-12K per adult, $1,000 per child (under 16), plus the EITC
• Deductions – Both retain mortgage interest and charitable donations deductions
• Corporate tax rate — Perry: 20% flat; Gingrich: 12.5% flat
• Corporate deductions — Perry: Limited to R&D, 100% on capital investment; Gingrich: Limited to 100% on capital investment

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