
Вообще-то на израильскую тему все республиканские кандидаты высказались неслабо. Вот подборка на HuffPo: наиболее ужасные с левой точки зрения цитаты. В комплект – комментарий автора подборки, ну и прочие комментарии, само собой, просто чтобы не забывать, как оно.

Тот же Гингрич:

“As President, on my first day in office, I will issue an executive order directing the US Embassy in Israel to be moved to Jerusalem as provided for in the legislation I introduced in Congress in 1995… The United States should explicitly reject the concept of a right of return for Palestinian refugees. The so-called right of return is a historically impossible demand that would be a demographic disaster and mean the end of the Jewish state of Israel. We are for a right to prosperity, a right to freedom, a right to the rule of law, a right to private property, but we must be totally opposed to a right of return…[And] the United Nations camps system must be replaced by a system of earned income and property rights to restore dignity and hope to every Palestinian.”

Mirrored from Gears and Springs.