
After weeks of wrangling over the issue, the European Commission approved a draft law that would create a gender quota for non-executive directors of stock-listed companies across the European Union. If approved, the new regulations would stipulate that women occupy 40 percent of the seats on the non-executive boards of Europe’s roughly 5,000 publicly traded companies by 2020. In instances where candidates’ professional qualifications were the same, women would also be given preference, should they be under-represented in that company. Companies that do not adhere to the rules could be sanctioned.

Сексистский законопроект. Почему всего 40%, а не пропорционально доле в населении? Почему только non-executive directors? Почему только stock-listed companies, а остальные как же? Зачем столько времени дали, что, прямо сейчас выбирать не из кого? Много еще работы предстоит европейским регуляторам.

Mirrored from Gears and Springs.