И коллективный пропагандист

Реакция в прессе на очередную рукопись, найденную под кроватью письма, обнаруженные на отданном в ремонт лэптопе, выглядит чрезвычайно развлекательно. Особенно как они все вдруг вспомнили, что ни в коем случае нельзя писать про информацию, полученную таким подозрительным способом. Непредвзятость просто горлом пошла у всех сразу. Глен Кесслер из WaPo даже какие-то правила выкатил на этот счет, у них, оказывается, правила такие были, ггг. После этих пяти лет такая внезапная щепетильность смотрится просто adorable. Ну а кто попроще, вроде Вокса, воюет не прищуриваясь, им не до тонкостей. "Trump team makes suspicious effort to swing the election with purported Hunter Biden emails", ага.

Вопрос-то серьезный – игнорировать историю или разоблачать республиканцев, которые не то pounce, не то сами это все придумали? Игнорировать, наверно, не получится, придется разоблачать, как на Воксе. К концу дня должна нарисоваться общая стратегия.

UPD: Что-то вроде этого, видимо: Trailing in polls, Trump campaign resurrects Hunter Biden attacks

President Trump and his campaign on Wednesday revived allegations of wrongdoing against Democratic nominee Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden, citing a New York Post story that has drawn skepticism over its sourcing and findings.

Расходитесь, типа, не на что тут смотреть, это Трамп от отчаяния давно опровергнутые обвинения пытается еще раз использовать.

UPD: Facebook and Twitter took drastic measures to limit the reach of a controversial news story about Hunter Biden. Народу не нужны нездоровые сенсации, это вам не трамповские налоги.

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Запасные варианты

А вот начали на всякий случай делать гитлера уже из Пенса.

Pence ordered the closure of US borders against CDC’s wishes

Читать не стоит, откровенная пропаганда и прямое вранье, рассчитаное на обычную амнезию. Из заголовка все понятно.

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А вот кому новостей не хватало

Теперь, значит, у Трампа коронавирус. NYT по этому поводу отмечает:

The president’s result came after he spent months playing down the severity of the outbreak that has killed more than 207,000 in the United States and hours after insisting that “the end of the pandemic is in sight.”

У первой леди тоже анализ положительный.

Цитаты буду добавлять по ходу движения.

LA Times: Trump’s coronavirus infection is the result of his deadly, foolish recklessness

Vox: Trump’s coronavirus infection is an indictment of his approach to the pandemic. The diagnosis is another reminder of his administration’s failure on Covid-19.

The New Republic: Of Course Donald Trump Got Covid-19 The president’s diagnosis is the culmination of months of failed leadership.

И под всем этим: Chinese state media mocks Trump’s positive virus test: ‘Paid the price for his gamble to play down’ pandemic. Ну, справа давно злопыхают, что NYT с Vox’ом и есть Chinese state media.

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Glenn Greenwald пишет по поводу очередной клеветы, которую Голдберг опубликовал у себя в Атлантике, и особенно по поводу ее "подтверждений" в других местах:

So we have anonymous sources making claims on one side, and Trump and former aides (including Bolton, now a harsh Trump critic) insisting that the story is inaccurate. Beyond deciding whether or not to believe Goldberg’s story based on what best advances one’s political interests, how can one resolve the factual dispute? If other media outlets could confirm the original claims from Goldberg, that would obviously be a significant advancement of the story.

Other media outlets — including Associated Press and Fox News — now claim that they did exactly that: “confirmed” the Atlantic story. But if one looks at what they actually did, at what this “confirmation” consists of, it is the opposite of what that word would mean, or should mean, in any minimally responsible sense. AP, for instance, merely claims that “a senior Defense Department official with firsthand knowledge of events and a senior U.S. Marine Corps officer who was told about Trump’s comments confirmed some of the remarks to The Associated Press,” while Fox merely said “a former senior Trump administration official who was in France traveling with the president in November 2018 did confirm other details surrounding that trip.”

In other words, all that likely happened is that the same sources who claimed to Jeffrey Goldberg, with no evidence, that Trump said this went to other outlets and repeated the same claims — the same tactic that enabled MSNBC and CBS to claim they had “confirmed” the fundamentally false CNN story about Trump Jr. receiving advanced access to the WikiLeaks archive. Or perhaps it was different sources aligned with those original sources and sharing their agenda who repeated these claims. Given that none of the sources making these claims have the courage to identify themselves, due to their fear of mean tweets, it is impossible to know.

But whatever happened, neither AP nor Fox obtained anything resembling “confirmation.”

Он там приводит только один пример такой же херни. А ведь мы четыре года читаем такие откровения пару раз в неделю в среднем, и давно знаем, чем они всегда заканчиваются. Это ж каким безмозглым говном, совершенно спятившим от ненависти к Трампу, надо быть, чтобы до сих пор старательно вестись на такие вещи.

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Но иногда в науку верить нельзя

Статья в WaPo: Autopsies can uphold white supremacy

Краткое содержание – патологоанатомы пишут лживые заключения о причинах смерти, чтобы оправдать белых убийц. Как в случае с Флойдом, где такой мерзавец был вовремя разоблачен.

The preliminary findings of the Hennepin County medical examiner’s report, for example, used the veneer of scientific respectability to advance the outrageous claim that Floyd was partly responsible for his own death — something we know is untrue, given the subsequent reports. This has happened before.

Это в комплект к белым врачам, у которых массово умирают черные младенцы.

Автор, если что, не врач, а "associate professor of history and faculty director of the Albert Lepage Center for History in the Public Interest at Villanova University".

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Несколько ссылок на память

Примеры нынешнего поведения прессы, которой надо свалить на Трампа всю дрянь, организованную и поддерживаемую демократами.

President Trump has settled on a tactic for his re-election campaign, it seems: stoking violence in American cities. Portland was the first victim, but there will be others. Already forces from Customs and Border Protection — who have become a de facto Trumpist paramilitary squad — are being sent to cities like Albuquerque and Chicago.

Chicago Sun-Times, Jesse Jackson: We don’t need Trump’s thugs in Chicago

The excuse for sending federal police here is to protect federal property. The reality is that this is a cynical re-election ploy aimed at earning support for a law-and-disorder president.

Creators.com, Froma Harrop: Ugly Protests Are Trump’s Only Hope

President Donald Trump’s poll numbers continue to sink as cases and death tolls rise. The only thing that could possibly save him is political violence in America’s cities. And that’s what he’s cooking up.

It’s entirely in Trump’s playbook to provoke civic discord. He’s been drawing his detractors into his game for four years. And what better way now than to send armed federal officers in unmarked cars into cities that don’t want them? Unfortunately, protesters in Portland easily rose to the bait. And that chaos set off violent clashes, this time with local police, in Seattle, Omaha and Oakland, California.

“Hitler had his Brown shirts and Mussolini had his Black shirts, now Donald Trump has his camouflage shirts.” Thus began a statement signed by 15 distinguished interdenominational religious leaders in Chicago that I joined, including ministers, priests, and rabbis.

The uncharacteristic display of empathy from some Republicans, for people who do not look like them, was a sobering blow to a reelection campaign that relies on the racist undercurrent permeating many of Trump’s most die-hard supporters. So Trump did what he does best: He co-opted the public narrative and changed it to one he thinks he can win.

The president has no control over local police. But Attorney General William Barr’s surrender of Justice Department independence, and acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf’s zeal to please his boss, have allowed Trump to send droves of federal law enforcement agents to cities under the guise of protecting federal buildings.

By design rather than circumstance, federal officers were offered as bait. Protesters were drawn to feds in combat gear like moths to a flame. When federal agents responded with force, the protesters responded with force — which made the agents respond with even more force.


Ссылок этих до черта, все не приведешь. Bottom line: вся здешняя пресса сейчас – Radio Télévision Libre des Mille Collines. Многие все время gaslighting поминают, но это уже давно не gaslighting. Это пропаганда военного времени, когда можно все. Папа, убей фашиста, вот это всё.

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Mostly peaceful

Protesters in California set fire to a courthouse, damaged a police station and assaulted officers after a peaceful demonstration intensified.

via Instapundit

Это выглядит уже даже не как советская пресса, а как анекдоты, которые ту прессу передразнивали. "Ответным огнем мирно пахавший советский трактор уничтожил обе китайские дивизии и вышел на орбиту".

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Сводки с фронта

В Wall Street Journal пытаются провернуть тот же трюк, что в NYT – закрыть раздел Opinion для старомыслов, чтоб не дезинформировали клиентуру.

More than 280 journalists, editors and other employees at The Wall Street Journal sent a letter to their publisher expressing concerns about misinformation in the paper’s opinion section.

The letter says that “opinion’s lack of fact-checking and transparency, and its apparent disregard for evidence, undermine our readers’ trust and our ability to gain credibility with sources.”

Among several examples, the employees cite a column by Vice President Pence in which he said fears of a second wave of coronavirus cases were "overblown" and argued that the administration’s handling of the pandemic has been a success. They said editors failed to adequately fact-check the piece, which was later corrected.

Another example was a reportedly highly-trafficked column titled “The Myth of Systemic Police Racism,” by Heather Mac Donald, a conservative commentator. The Journal employees said the article “selectively presented facts and drew an erroneous conclusion from the underlying data.”

В NYT прошло на ура. Интересно, получится ли у этих. Вторая упомянутая статья – это как раз та, из-за которой пришлось отзывать научное исследование из журнала, чтобы враги не цитировали. Но какими темпами все это происходит, а.

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