
План Полсона не прошел в Палате представителей. Десять голосов не хватило. Распределение голосов: демократы – 141 за, 94 против, республиканцы – 66 за, 132 против. Криков радости со стороны тех, кто бился против законопроекта, пока не слышно; все, видимо, внимательно смотрят на график Доу-Джонса.

В качестве одной из причин, по которым республиканцы выступили в большинстве против, называют речь Пелоси: она, нуждаясь в голосах, догадалась еще раз попытаться свалить всю вину за кризис на республиканцев, чем, понятно, сильно их вдохновила.

Opponents said part of the reason for the opposition from Republicans was what they termed a partisan speech by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, said one GOP source.

“Pelosi’s partisan speech has caused our members to go berserk and may cost us any remaining chance to pass the bill,” the source said.

Pelosi had said that Congress needed to pass the bill, even though it was an outgrowth of the “failed economic policies” of the last eight years.

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Интересная деталь:

In fact, some of the most basic details, including the $700 billion figure Treasury would use to buy up bad debt, are fuzzy.

“It’s not based on any particular data point,” a Treasury spokeswoman told Tuesday. “We just wanted to choose a really large number.”

Нам, мол, просто была нужна цифра побольше и пострашнее!

По-моему, это полный абзац. Недаром кто-то из консервативных блоггеров писал в самом начале истории, что чувствует себя как при покупке подержанного автомобиля.

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Описание процесса:

Let’s be completely clear about what Congressional Democrats and Republicans did.

They started with a list of objections to the Paulson plan, and a list of unrelated legislative priorities. These included, among other things: punishing executives of failing financial firms; giving taxpayers a direct upside from the recovery of the financial system; making the bailout fully risk-free for taxpayers; giving Congress the opportunity to second-guess and modify the plan later; satisfying the demands of the AFL-CIO, which popped up with a laundry-list of extraneous items they’ve been trying to enact for years; allowing overextended homeowners to avoid foreclosure; and funding left-wing activist groups.

Then, in a marathon of acrimonious negotiations, Congress added some version of all of these things and more. Paulson and his negotiating team from Treasury were concerned above all that they retain the ability to execute the core of the original proposal. In case you’d forgotten, that was to borrow money from global investors to buy distressed mortgage securities, and either hold those to maturity or sell them at a profit.

So it appears that the Treasury negotiators were basically successful. As far as I can tell, the sausage makers kept in some version of almost all of their weird extras, but softened each one to the point that it would have little effect in the real world.

All Congress really wants is to be able to say they did all of these little things. Not that they did them in a way that will mean anything to anyone. And these meaningless extras will become the focus of the news reporting about the bailout.

This wasn’t an exercise in intelligent legislation. It was an exercise in butt-covering ahead of an election.

And everyone in Congress knows it, too. That’s why they’re all hanging their heads, saying that this was something they had to do, even though they all think it’s just dreadful.

Congress’s priority now will be to sell the bailout as a valiant response, lovingly written and carefully directed by our very own Dear Leader, Barack Obama, to a problem caused by eight years of evil Republicanism.

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Роль МакКейна в истории с бэйлаутом:

Last night, the House Republican leadership held a press conference to discuss the economic bailout package, which they now support. John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Roy Blunt, and Adam Putnam explain that the new package greatly reduces — but does not eliminate — taxpayer risk. It improves the original Paulson plan, and Boehner notes who is responsible for the House GOP even getting a seat at the table:

But I think I’ve made clear to many of you that if it were not for John McCain supporting me at the White House when I said whoa, whoa, time-out, they would have run over me like a freight train.

Before McCain arrived in Washington, the Senate and the House Democrats figured they could force the Paulson plan down the throats of House Republicans. Afterwards, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid had no choice but to deal with Boehner and the conservatives, and making changes to the package to get their support. Also, Boehner announced that McCain has begun making calls to get Republican votes for this bill, which shouldn’t surprise too many who had listened to McCain over the weekend.

То есть МакКейн притормозил принятие закона в полностью демократическом виде и дал республиканцам возможность внести в него кое-какие поправки. В частности, за счет этих денег не будет финансироваться всякая дрянь вроде ACORN. С другой стороны, саму идею бэйлаута МакКейн поддержал и плотно поработал над тем, чтобы все-таки обеспечить ему поддержку House Republicans. Поэтому довольно много народу теперь о нем очень плохо думает.

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В Конгрессе опять сообщают, что договорились

Сообщает опять толпа демократов и Полсон. Подробности – здесь.

The next step will involve selling the deal to rank-and-file lawmakers, who have been unhappy over signing on to a giant bailout package just weeks before the November elections. House Minority Whip Roy Blunt (R., Mo.) said that he planned to talk to colleagues and get reactions.

During interviews on Sunday morning talk shows, presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain gave their tentative support for the deal.

Республиканцы в Палате представителей по-прежнему против. МакКейн этот вариант вроде бы поддержал.

Любопытно, что из этого получится.


The larger question is: now that we have kicked off the New New Deal and socialized the United States financial system, what if any will be the role of free markets going forward?

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Ситуация вокруг бэйлаута тем временем становится все мутнее и мутнее.

Последняя версия демократов: все уже обо всем договорились, тут пришел МакКейн и все испортил.

Реакция республиканцев: никаких договоренностей до появления МакКейна достигнуто не было.

Демократы как-то больше обычного врут в этой истории. Оно и понятно – цена высокая, а свалить ответственность никак пока не выходит.

UPD: Они там даже голоса посчитать не могут. Пелоси говорит, что без республиканцев для принятия закона голосов не хватает: Блант, House Minority Whip, говорит в точности наоборот.

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Как и следовало ожидать

Заявление штаба МакКейна: А теперь – дебаты.

Senator McCain has spent the morning talking to members of the Administration, members of the Senate, and members of the House. He is optimistic that there has been significant progress toward a bipartisan agreement now that there is a framework for all parties to be represented in negotiations, including Representative Blunt as a designated negotiator for House Republicans. The McCain campaign is resuming all activities and the Senator will travel to the debate this afternoon. Following the debate, he will return to Washington to ensure that all voices and interests are represented in the final agreement, especially those of taxpayers and homeowners.

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Демократы-то с бэйлаутом оказались в очень тяжелом положении. С одной стороны, бэйлаут вроде бы настоятельно необходим, и срочно; с другой – публика настроена решительно против него, и республиканцы капризничают. Демократы контролируют обе палаты Конгресса, и могли бы протолкнуть бэйлаут сами, но им до смерти нужна возможность хоть что-то свалить в случае чего на республиканцев. Хоть как-нибудь. А пока не получается, вот ведь беда какая.

Они тривиально боятся взять на себя ответственность.

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К вопросу о New York Times

Тут как-то в комментах обсуждался вопрос о доверии к NYT. Вот характерный пример.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., reportedly said, “We’re not the ones trying to blow this up. It’s the House Republicans.” Paulson replied, “I know, I know; it’s both sides,” according to a Treasury Department spokeswoman.


“I didn’t know you were Catholic,” Ms. Pelosi said, a wry reference to Mr. Paulson’s kneeling, according to someone who observed the exchange. She went on: “It’s not me blowing this up, it’s the Republicans.” Mr. Paulson sighed. “I know. I know.”

via Michael Goldfarb

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Достижения прошлого

Ed Morissey нашел чудную статью из LA Times 1999 года с похвалой одному из не слишком заметных, но очень важных достижений клинтоновской эры: как клинтоновская администрация преодолела сопротивление косных банкиров, заставив их раздавать кредиты на дома кому попало.

Under Clinton, bank regulators have breathed the first real life into enforcement of the Community Reinvestment Act, a 20-year-old statute meant to combat “redlining” by requiring banks to serve their low-income communities. The administration also has sent a clear message by stiffening enforcement of the fair housing and fair lending laws. The bottom line: Between 1993 and 1997, home loans grew by 72% to blacks and by 45% to Latinos, far faster than the total growth rate.

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